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Southeast Fall Colors - Georgia
Creativity in Field & Post 

 Oct 25 - 30, 2024 (Full)
Oct 27 - Nov 1
, 2024 

At a Glance

Dates: October 27 - Nov 01, 2024 

Includes: All instruction in the field and classroom and Online orientation beforehand & post-conference editing & image review sessions

Cost:  $1699

Deposit to hold space: $699 

Location:  Specific locations will be sent to all registrants. Plan to fly into Atlanta and out of Savannah, if possible

Suggested Lodging: Will be sent by email after deposit has been received.

Not included: Lodging, meals, entry and transportation to some locations

Group size:  Limited to 6 photographers​

Late blooming flowers & fall color in the garden offer myriad opportunities to apply various creative techniques...

Gear you will need...


Camera: Must either have shutter delay or a remote trigger. Participants are expected to know how to operate their equipment. If you have any new gear, it is important to become acquainted with it to get the most from the workshop.

Lenses: Macro lenses, Lensbabies to those who want to experiment even more, wide angle (approx 15 - 35mm equivalent) and telephoto zoom (100 - 500mm equivalent)

Tripods: A sturdy tripod is essential for low light and long exposure photography

Software: All post-processing will be done using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

Pre & Post-workshop Zooms: An overview and orientation will be held online prior to the workshop. Afterwards, Jackie will share editing techniques ranging from basic image adjustments to more advanced application of layers in Photoshop.

Image Reviews:  Feedback will be offered in the field. Reviews of fully edited images will take place by Zoom after the workshop and online editing sessions are completed.


Transitioning from the garden to the swamp, we will stretch ourselves to reach beyond the ordinary....

George L Smith SP Cypress Trees-20231102-5562-Enhanced-NR-PsEdit-2826-2.jpg
George L Smith SP Cypress Trees-20231101-5460-Enhanced-NR.jpg

About Jackie

Jackie lives in St. Augustine and has been photographing the natural world since high school in Sarasota, FL. She is known for her rich colors and for infusion of personality in her floral and wildlife images. Jackie has received international acclaim for her images and has been published in several noteworthy magazines. Jackie also maintains an active group, Phlorography - Artistic Floral Photography, with thousands of passionate floral photographers from around the world. Phlorography is a community in which everyone and their photographic expression is valued. 

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