Artistic Floral Photography Workshop
November 15, 2018
Delray Beach, FL
8:30am – 4:30pm
Hosted by PASFLA and held at the South County Civic Center
16700 Jog Road
This full day class will consist of an introduction to the concepts of floral photography, such as camera and lenses, lighting, composition, perspective, and depth of field. It will include a hands-on session, indoors or outdoors, weather and other factors dependent. An overview of my post-processing flow in Lightroom and Photoshop will follow the hands-on session.
[MATERIALS: Camera, macro, tripod, & notepad]
Artistic Floral Photography Workshop
December 04, 2018
Sarasota, FL
8:30am – 4:30pm
Hosted by the Sarasota Camera Club
Location will be posted as soon as it is determined.
This full day class will consist of an introduction to the concepts of floral photography, such as camera and lenses, lighting, composition, perspective, and depth of field. It will include a hands-on session at Selby Botanical Gardens. An overview of my post-processing flow in Lightroom and Photoshop will follow the hands-on session.
[MATERIALS: Camera, macro lens, tripod, & laptop
NOTE: If you don't own a macro, you can either use extension tubes, a close-up filter, or rent one. If you have a laptop capable of uploading & editing images on, please bring it]
Presenters in order of appearance of images above (clockwise from upper Left): Jackie Kramer, Valerie Interligi, Eileen Sklon, Nancy Kirkpatrick, Padma Inguva, & Carol Rasmusson
Phlorographers Unite! 2019
May 6-7 & 8-9, 2019
Asheville, North Carolina
Situated in the Blue Ridge Mountains at the NC Arboretum, this year the focus of the main workshop on May 8th & 9th is Editing! Learn to apply techniques after your image has been made in camera. See what a 5 minute edit in Lightroom can produce to more advanced, artistic tools in Photoshop, Topaz, and other software. ($345)
An optional 2 day supplement beforehand will feature sessions by several Phlorographers in the garden, as well as at stations indoors where you will learn how to make Low & High Key images, use a Lightpad/box, do Lightpainting, Create Reflections, and do in-camera Blurs & Abstracts. ($195)
Come prepared to break boundaries, grow, bond, & have an extraordinary experience!
Victoria Floral Tour & Workshop
June 10-14, 2019
Victoria, British Columbia
Spend time immersed in a variety of gardens, from intimate to grand, polishing & refining your skills. Be prepared to go into your zone & shoot every day with renewed zest, inspired by the flowers & good company. We will edit everyday to grow familiar with the building blocks of a creative image &, thus, help inform your next venture into the field where you will anticipate even more possibilities! Award-winning photographer Olis Garber will be joining us again to share tips on portraiture in the garden AND will do portraits of each of us!
Phlorography Macro Master Series
Andrea Gulickx, Don Komarechka, & Jackie Kramer
July 13-15, 2019
Bellevue, WA
Learn photography & editing techniques that can be applied in the field or indoors when shooting flowers. After the initial plenary session, the group will be split into 3 breakout groups who will work directly with Andrea, Don, and Jackie. Everyone will go home with creative images that reflect each of their teachings.